Can a robot teach new skills?

The DLM-TIC will provide an environment that is fun and invigorating.  However, learning and skill development will also play an important role. Constructing robots has contributed to building many of the skills needed in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education.  Lego has the right idea!  So what other technologies have you explored that can contribute to a stimulating fun learning environment?

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Staff got the word out… into the Clouds

During our recent staff focus groups, we challenged staff to share ideas about how we will Collaborate in the Center, how we will share the Vision, what the considerations for Operations should be and who our Potential Users will be. Read their responses in these Word Clouds and if you want to see your words in the cloud, share them here as a comment as we continue to explore new ideas and possibilities.




Potential Users

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Endless Possibilities: What’s Yours?

As we begin to create the service vision for the Dorothy Lumley Melrose Center for Technology, Innovation & Creativity, we’re focused on possibilities.  An environment in which creativity and learning run head long into each other to create an explosion of excitement just might contain something called a Never-Ending Drawing Machine (NEDM).

According to Fast Company, the NEDM “is basically a collaborative real-time content-sharing and creativity system that lets users create novel digital artworks together.

What’s the coolest new thing you’ve seen lately that you think should be in the Center?

Endless Possibilities: What’s Yours? Read More »

TIC at the Mini-Maker Faire

OCLS hosted a booth at the Orlando Mini Maker Faire on Saturday, May 26.  With well over 290 visitors to our booth, the Center has begun to rouse the interest of our community. Makers and aspiring makers of various backgrounds, ages and interests shared their enthusiasm and ideas for the Center. Check out some of the other exhibits that were featured such as DIY science and technology, rockets, robots, arts, crafts, music and much more.

TIC at the Mini-Maker Faire Read More »

Staff Focus Groups

We are working toward the development of a building program for the Center project. In pursuit of that goal, we are using our most highly prized asset; Library staff. Over 75 staff members from all areas of the Library have participated in staff focus group events to answer questions about operational considerations, marketing, and best practices for collaboration. You can see them in action below!

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